HANGUL - Korean Alphabet

Photograph: KimchiCloud

HANGUL (한글) 
One of the interesting yet, well known language for now is Korean. Despite the popularity of KPOP, the culture would probably attract many people all around the world. And if we talk about culture, it definitely cannot be separated with language as the tool of communication. 
Hangul is Korean alphabet which they use beside Hanja, the Chinese Character that has been used many years before Hangul.
Hangul is considered simple, yet quite challenging as it also provides complicated formula to produced certain sound that cannot be taken to Hangul pronounciation system.
Without any further due, here is the video that would make you easier in learning Hangul.
Enjoy ^^

Learn Hangul in 90 Minutes - Start to Finish [Complete Series]

Thanks to:
Google, Youtube.


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